IntraChew is THE sport fuel.

You train, recover, sleep, stretch, diet, and sometimes even travel, all to give your best shot at the big race. 

So the last thing you need is for your race-day nutrition to backfire.

And if you’ve ever tried the standard options, you know this is more than a vain worry.

Gels have a suffocating consistency that often upsets your stomach and leaves you with a dreaded side stitch.

And the alternatives that have flooded the market are more form than function.

Not only do they lack the necessary ingredients your body needs for your final kick.

They often contain artificial junk that’s filling you with artificial chemicals or worse, hit you with a spike in sugar, crushing your times just before the finish with a dreaded bonk. 

Run Your Way to Zen:

Ingredients guaranteed to give you that extra push and deliver your runner's high.

Magnesium Malate = Improve aerobic ability via increasing glucose availability and decreasing lactate accumulation.

DLPA = Increases endorphins to help achieve your runner's high.

Agmatine = Mood boosting, enhanced blood flow, & pain management.